You can find the answer to your question by asking yourself a question. Is it okay for my wife to cheat on me?
No! Well unless you talk to your husband/wife about it and then they say/decide that you can cheat. Some relationships they marry and then go out and cheat, well go out with someone else, but make sure that you agree with your husband/wife and then tell who ever you go out with and/or marry!No it is never ok to cheat ever.ANSWER:No love it's never okay to cheat no matter if you are married, or in school, or in the job. People who do cheat always pay hefty at the end by loosing the people they love, and loosing trust away from those people..So try not to go there..
It is okay to use a webkinz cheat once. It is fine.
Yes he did indeed cheat on his wife.
Okay, if she's cheating on you, that's not good, you should go to marriage counseling or something!! BUT, if she's not or you don't expect she is DO NOT CHEAT. That is wrong. God meant for love to be a closed relationship...relationships are also based on honesty, and lying is not honest! NEVER CHEAT.
It is unknown how many wife cheat on their husbands. Some wives cheat on their husbands and never tell.
No, It is not okay. That is still infidelity
You'd have to ask your wife if it is okay with her.
NO god does not like it very much and you should always listen to god. If you dont god would be god would be angry HECK NOseriously cheating is awful not just because god doesnt like it but the persony ou are cheating on wont like it very much. Lets turn it around so it is on you. you like someone and you find out that they have been lying to you and cheating on you. not very fun!