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Sure, but if you're going to be sexually active during the two months, it'd make more sense to start the new pill immediately.

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Q: Is it okay for your body to stop birth control for a couple months then start a different type of pill?
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How soon after you stop taking birth control pills should your periods become regular?

A couple of months.

Stoped taking birth control 8 months ago im not pregnant is it normal?

The average couple takes six months to get pregnant. Eight months is not unusual.

Does the birth control pill make you sterile?

No it should not affect you. Sometimes it takes a couple of months possibly a year to become fertile again

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He actually died a couple of months after his birth.

You had a period 2 months after you gave birth you have been taking birth control for 3 months stopped nursing and have missed 2 periods What could be the reason for missing your period?

the birth control is probably it.

Could you get pregnant if you have not had your period for a couple of months and you have been off the birth control for 2 months and the test says you arent pregnant what does it mean?

It means that the birth control could possible have messed up your cycle an its taking long to get on track that's if you havent been having umportected sex see a doctor to be sure sweety. *Keya*

If im on birth control and dont get my period for 3 months is that just making it easier to get pregnant?

No. Some forms of birth control pills actually cause you to not get your period for months.

What is the purpose of a birth control shot?

The birth control shot is a very effective form of birth control. The hormone progesterone in the birth control shot works by preventing ovulation. The shot is given in the arm or the buttocks every three months. There is a chance of pregnancy if you wait over three months for your next shot.

I have been off of my bc pills for four months had two normal months of my period and now I am starting two weeks early and lasting two weeks is this still my birth control leaving my system?

The birth control pill is no longer affecting your cycle after four months. You are likely to return to the pattern of bleeding you had before you started the pill. If you are consistently having 14 days of menstrual flow for a couple of months, contact your health care provider.

Which birth control do makes you have less periods?

Depo Provera, a birth control injection given every 3 months generally causes periods to stop. However, if you plan on getting pregnant anytime soon (like in next couple years) i would probably look into other options.

What does birth control do to your hormones?

Birth control is what is used to prevent unintended pregnancy, there are multiple different types of birth control that work in different ways, it is ignorant to say 'birth control' to mean one specific type of birth control. Without knowing what type of birth control you're referring to we cannot answer your question - some birth control does absolutely nothing to your hormones, some birth control completely shuts down your hormones.

Can birth control make you spot?

Yes. In the first few months of being on birth control, this happens frequently, and it fades as you continue to use it.