two schools of thought......1. When you are pregnant your immune system is running wild....2. After your 5th month your baby feels what you feel.......Bad time..Many tattooists will not tattoo you if your pregnant at all.
Speak to your dermatologist
any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea
You can eat fresh asiago from Italy while pregnant because it is pasteurized. Avoid un pasteurized cheese to avoid micro-organisms. Raw milk cheeses are okay if they are at least aged 10 months to 18 months like Grana Padano or Parmesan.
Yes it is okay because it doesn't affect the progress of the baby.
if a woman doesn't have calcium in her diet the baby could be born with problems
It is not okay to drive far distance while pregnant even in developed countries. In the developing countries the roads are usually in bad condition and can cause bleeding and abortion.
It is okay to take this nutritional drink.
at least when your 18.
yes that is normol i am almost for months and i spred alot
There is some research to suggest that if you wait nine months, that is, there would be 18 months between deliveries, that this results in a lower rate of uterine rupture.