yes but its usually towards a another girl
If you mean love in the since that you like them, then yes it is perfectly Okay.
They can but it's not as painful for them so most don't bother.
i know for a fact that nat wolf LIKES giving wedgies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure why you would want one, but why not just ask for it?
he is okay looking their are better guys out there
ofcourse, we are all individuals. How do you mean?
like 200$ SO THAT IS it okay guys
you get in trouble because wedgies are like school rules, you get in trouble for breaking school rules.
It's okay to like two guys at the same time while you are deciding between them. However, you should make a decision sooner rather than later. It is unfair to lead them both on.
Okay, FOR THE RECORD I AM A GUY who is NOT A FRICKIN SIX YEAR OLD. Thank you. Okay, we like good-looking girls, sports, video games, and parties.
Yess it is okay ,lol that would probably make the moment less awkward like