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Well right now people will think its weird but in the long rumn it is not much of a age diference. I think it is perfectly fine, when your in middles school it will wont be hard to get her,because most 5th grade girls think 6th grade boys aare HOT no mtter what.

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15y ago
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4mo ago

It is normal for people of different grades to have crushes on each other. However, it is important to be respectful of each other's age, maturity level, and boundaries. Communication and consent are key in any relationship.

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14y ago

i would go for it! No celebrity in their right mind would date someone under their own age or the age of consent. There are too many legal liabilities involved that can ruin their reputation and destroy their career. UHH HELLO???IS THAT EVEN LEGAL??

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13y ago

Yes you can! If you are mature enough then you can definitely go out with them! Don't listen to anybody who tellsnyou otherwise.

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15y ago

it's usually better if the girl is a grade ABOVE as opposed to below. but either way its probably fine

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14y ago

yes!!! That's kinda wrong. I'm an eighth grader and my brother is a sixth grader. That would be like dating my brother! That's wrong.

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12y ago

Of course they can. That's just like asking if the Pope is Catholic :P

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12y ago

no! never that is a three year differance and nasty

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12y ago

It's no as comin as a 7 th and 8 th grader but yes lots do this nothing wrong with it

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Q: Is it okay for an 7th grade boy to like a 6th grade girl?
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Of course it's okay. I know plenty of girls who had relationships in kindergarten!

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not a big age gap, if you like each other no reason not to date.

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No he likes a girl at Oakbrook in 6th grade.

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Talk to her! Nothing to lose!

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Win the lottery.

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If you genuinely like her & the parents approve, sure.

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no chance, buddy. i am a sixth grade girl and there is no way I would date a nine or ten year old boy. sorry.