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Not unless they are both old enough and have reached the age of consent. Also not unless they both agree to do this.

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Q: Is it ok to play with other boys penises?
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Is it normal if you want too see other boys penises?

well, is not for me to say. But it would most likely turn you to the gay side or maybe bi. If your younger and expierementing i guess its fine, just don't make it a habit :P its ok your just experimenting most people do it.A:I would say different ! It is never ok to feel other boy's penises unless they have given permission for you to do this. Also you should not do this even with permission if you or they are below the age of consent for sexual activity in your area. Experimentation does not give you the right to do things that are illegal.

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I think it is okay. Just tell him it is a "no no" in front of other people, and to only do it in the bathroom. I don't know, I don't see anything wrong with it -- boys will be boys.

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