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No, it is not appropriate for a 7th grader to date a 5th grader. The age gap and developmental differences between a 7th grader (typically around 12-13 years old) and a 5th grader (typically around 10-11 years old) are significant in terms of emotional, social, and cognitive maturity. It is important for individuals to be in relationships with peers who are at a similar stage of development to ensure healthy and appropriate interactions.

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Q: Is it ok to date a 5th grader in 7th grade?
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Avoid them?

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yes. it is universally acceptable for a person to date some one with a one grade difference. Well i strongly disagree why would someone want to go out with someone a dif apart and not there own grade and first of all 6th graders shouldnt date at all

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give him a bj

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No it's not wrong. You are only one grade ahead!

Is 5'11 tall for an 8th grader?

No, I am in 7th grade and about that tall. It is a normal height.

How old do you have to be to to be on fetch?

like 4th,5th,6th and 7th grade. but i think 4th grade is not big enough.but u could still enter it if u are a fourth grader.