It is generally safe to breastfeed throughout your pregnancy, and after the new one is born.
It is generally advised against if you have a high risk chance of pre-term labor.
no stop breeding so fast
Absolutely not.
The hormonal effects from pregnancy can last for weeks or months after post-partum. This is especially true if you breastfeed your baby.
It is possible to breastfeed while taking antidepressants as long as you are carefully monitored by a physician.
You can breastfeed with or without NuvaRing in. If you are relying on NuvaRing for pregnancy prevention, taking it out to breastfeed is going to increase your risk for pregnancy. If you're breastfeeding while using NuvaRing, removing it for a few hours does nothing to improve your milk supply, but does make it less effective. Please contact your health care provider, pharmacist, or lactation consultant to discuss NuvaRing and breastfeeding, as it seems there has been some misunderstanding. NuvaRing may decrease milk volume, which could be important with a newborn. It does not affect the quality of the milk.
a serum pregnancy test is a blood test just a fancy doctor word for it kb
If you breastfeed, the size you are when you give birth will be the size that you are the entire time that you nurse.
This is an extremely dangerous, highly addictive drug. You cannot breastfeed while using. It is also illegal anywhere in the US, and is likely to shorten your life, and send you to prison.
Ask your doctor. I would not suggest it.
Gravity, genetics and pregnancy cause changes to the breast which effect their appearance, shape and firmness.
When you breastfeed or pump you release oxytocin in your system that is the natural form of pitocin. Right after birth when you breastfeed your uterus will contract because of this. The oxytocin causes your breasts to contract something that causes your body to let the milk down or something like that. That is why it can bring on preterm labor and very dangerous to do while you are pregnant especially if your baby isn't ready to come out yet. The only time it's recommended is when you have gone post-dates and your practitioner has recommended this as one of the ways to help bring on labor. It is always best to ask your practitioner and/or a lactation nurse before beginning anything new in your pregnancy.