No one I know would consider it to be okay. There is no law against it, but if there is any sexual contact, the 18 year old could be facing felony charges. And if she gets mad and even says he did, it could be very ugly!
There are no laws for dating just for sex, so when it comes to dating it's up to the parents to decide.
They can be dating , but sex is a whole different subject. I think people should be able to love and date who they please.
No, there are no laws regarding dating. And an 18 year old is considered an adult.
There are no legal age restrictions on dating. The restrictions apply to sexual activity.
Dating is not illegal. Any sexual contact would be illegal. And why an 18 year old would want to date a 13 year old? Only one reason and that is illegal and will land him in jail.
Yes, unfortunately as you are 18 you are classed as an adult in the eyes of the law, this would seem as an act of 'pedophilia' to everyone else.
Whether or not it's illegal, you should consider whether it's right for an adult to be dating a child. There's a world of difference between 18 and 13 years old.
yes, Isn't an 18 year old a aldult?
can social services be called if a 16 year old is dating an 18 year old?
Yes, it is illegal for a 21 year old to date a 13 year old. The age difference is significant, and in most places, the age of consent is 16 to 18 years old. Dating someone who is underage can result in legal consequences for the adult involved.