No, having a bath during periods does not stop periods. Menstruation isdetermined by your menstrual cycle, water is amazing but it does not have the magical ability to stop time in order to stop menstruation.
No, masturbation does not stop periods. There are many things that stop periods, Bulimia ,anorexia , use of oral contraceptives, menopause and pregnancy to name a few
Yes, BCPs can even cause periods to stop completely. Continue with pills as directed.
They don't ok. You are clearly an idiot. It may seem like we are moaning but take it from me periods f***ing hurt ok? So be nice.
Stop cheating ok ok
You probally just have eregular periods its ok.
No. Take them the way you are suppose to, do not skip any pills. This is important for a regular cycle.
No, women go through menopause at around age 50, when their ovaries stop releasing eggs (ova) and, therefore, they stop having periods.
you know it's young, and sad for the people that do start it at that age. And you know doesnt matter, because any age you can start it, and also if you do you stop your period at 50 years old
intell it death that wen the body stop working