Spotting or any other signs of irregular bleeding can be a side effects of any hormonal birth controls. For most women, the body generally adjusts after a few cycles of the contraceptives.
Can birth control be ineffective while taking metronidazole?
It is normal for many women not to have monthly breakthrough bleeding while taking Birth Control Pills.
It is normal to have light periods or no period at all while birth control.
Seeing spotting while taking birth control is totally normal.It's just your body getting use to the hormones you are now taking.My doctor told me you should see spotting or light bleeding for the first 3 months of taking birth control.
Periods can become slightly erratic or stop for a short while when you stop taking birth control. This is just your hormones coming back to normal to settle back into a normal cycle. If it has been longer than 3 months or you are concerned then seek advice from your GP.
Yes. You can get pregnant WHILE you are on birth control.
I have heard that while taking antibiotics on birth control, if can weaken the effectiveness of your birth control, causing you to become pregnant. If you have worries, you should take a pregnancy test, or consult your doctor. Hope this helps.
If you get your period while on birth control, you should continue using your birth control as scheduled. Bleeding does not change the schedule for taking your pill or changing your patch or ring.
No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.
Yes. Few things interact with birth control. Dayquil is not one of them.