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well the age to get your period is between the ages of 9 and 16. so around that age is perfectly normal

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Q: Is it normal to have your period at age 11?
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Is it normal to get your period 11 days after you jus had your period?

Ya somtimes that happens but to girls around the age of 15 to 18 if your not that age you should see a someone about it.

Is 12 a normal age to get your period?

12 is the perfect age to get your period 12 is the most normal age to get it

Is china anne mcclain seeing her period yet?

yes becase she' s 13 and you can start your period at yhe age 8 but the normal age is 11-12

What is the normal age for a girl to start her period?

9-13 years old I have always heard it was 9-17 I thought you had to be 11 to start your period!!!!

How old do you need to be to have your period?

It is normal to start your period from the age of 11 - 16but the youngest girl to start her period was about 3 but that is EXTREMELY rarei was 13 :)hope this helps x

What the normal age of starting your period?

Well i got mines at the age of 11 and 5 monthes the ages are 8-13 i think. it sucks so bad getting your period it stinks like crap also

You are 11 and have heavy discharge but no period. Is this normal?

Yes. This is completely normal. It means you will be getting your period soon

How old should you got period?

The average age for the onset of your period is 10 to 11. But getting it at ages 12 to 14 is not uncommon. Some girls do not get their period until they are nearly 20. A few girls get their normal period, breasts, and so forth as early as age 8.

What age does Noah Lindsey Cyrus have her period?

well; I think at age 11 she. had. her. period.

When should you have you period?

Most girls have their first period at age 12, but it is normal anywhere from age 8 to age 16.

When should you have your period?

Most girls have their first period at age 12, but it is normal anywhere from age 8 to age 16.

Can you get your period at the age of 11?
