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Yes when the tattoo is new and the is still raw. This will fade after time

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Q: Is it normal to have raised areas on tattoo?
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What is the difference between a peacock mermaid tattoo and a normal mermaid tattoo?

The difference between a peacock mermaid tattoo and a normal mermaid tattoo is clearly that one has a a peacock in it wheres the other does not.

What can you put on your tattoo if it has been raised for a year?

More colour.

Is the pimple on my tattoo harmfull?

It is normal

Can you tattoo over birth marks which are dark and slightly raised?

yes you can

Did anyones tattoo stay swollen when they got it on there thigh?

depending on your skin type a tattoo can stay raised for a very long time depending on the type of tattoo and how gentle your artist was.

You recently got a tattoo on your foot it has scabbed up and your two toes directly under the tattoo are numb is that normal?

no, it is not normal, go to the shop where you received the tattoo, have them check it out...then go to another respectable shop and get their opinion as well...

Is it good if your tattoo is peeling?

It is normal for a tattoo to peel. It is part of it's healing process. Some may peel, some may scab, and some will do both, but it is completely normal.

What does having a tattoo feel like?

It feels like little needles going into your skin. The pain depends on where you get the tattoo. Areas that are more bony hurt more than fleshy areas.

When getting a tattoo on your foot is it normal for the tattoo artist to blow on your foot?

I would have to say no that is not normal. I have a large tattoo of a gecko on my foot and the tattoo artist did not blow on my foot while I was getting it done. In fact a lot of tattoo artists won't tattoo feet at all because the ink doesn't hold up very well because of the thin skin on your foot and the constant agitation from shoes and socks.

How do you now if you have a fever from tattoo?

You would notice that the tattoo would be severely raised and red everywhere not just on the outline of the work. Also you would have severe tenderness to the touch.

How do you say I got a tattoo yesterday?

The verb "to tattoo" forms a normal -ED past tense. You would say "I got tattooed."

What crop was raised in swampy areas?
