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Somewhat yes. That blood is congealing and blood is one of the most fowl smelling substances out there.

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Q: Is it normal to have a smell while on your period?
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If your period is a week early and has a really bad odor to it, you might want to get tested for a sexually transmitted disease. While it is normal for your period to smell because of stale blood, any change in smell, flow or color should be taken seriously.

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It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.

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Is it normal?No. It is NOT normal to have your period at this time. YES you can have a period while pregnant. Some women don't realise they are pregnant til a few months gone because they have gotten their period. Get checked out by a doctor immediately!

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No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

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Why does my heat smell?

Your heater may smell due to dust or debris burning off when it is first turned on after a period of inactivity. This is normal and should dissipate after a short while. If the smell persists or is accompanied by other issues, it may indicate a more serious problem that requires professional attention.

Is getting your period while on the active pill and then again when you were supposed to get it normal?

No it isn't normal.

Is it normal to feel lighted while on your period?

Yes, don't worry. It's completly normal :)

Is it normal to have discharge while on your period?

It depends on what type of discharge. If the discharge is blood, then of course it is normal.

Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!

Is period blood supposed to have a smell?

It is normal for period blood to have a slight odor due to the presence of bacteria and shedding of the uterine lining. However, a strong or foul odor could indicate an infection and should be evaluated by a healthcare provider.