

Best Answer

Yes, it is very normal.

Although, if it's causing you a lot of pain, as well.

You should probably go see your doctor.

Good luck!

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Q: Is it normal to bleed a lot while on your period?
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Is it normal to bleed a lot even when you don't have your period in another two weeks?

No, it's not, unless you miscalculated the arrival of your period. See a doctor.

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A pill to stop your pregnancy means you had an abortion.It is very normal to bleed a lot during an abortion, this is the pregnancy expelling itself.

Is it normal to only bleed for a day when you first get your period?

yes because when youre on your period you dont bleed constantly it starts and stops but dont take your pad off because you will start bleeding again and it may get on you clothes

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The short answer is yes. If you have had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.

What if your dog only had 3 puppies is it normal for her to bleed a lot?

Take it to the vet and get her checked out

Could you be pregnant if you missed your last depo shot and bleed a lot while having your period?

Lack of a period is a typical symptom of pregnancy, not heavy bleeding. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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hahaha you have swine flu

Would a woman be pregnant if she had her period for a day?

if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x

How much do girls bleed while on their period?

Well I'm pretty sure it's between 2-3 tablespoons, it looks like a lot but it's really not, and it's definitely not missed!

You scratched your mole off will it be ok?

it will bleed a lot and probably come back after a while

Is it ok to have a lot of discharge before your period?

Yes it's normal.