I don't think so.
No,but i dont know why am I answering this question??
You bet it's OK and it's called LOVE!!! When you are in love all you can do is think of that person and just want to be with them. Enjoy!
someone i know and someone i miss someone i miss and some one i love
no most of the time u miss them
Love is when you miss someone... when in fact his sitting next to you.
It means they love you and miss you.
You miss him. It's normal after a break up to miss someone.
duse he love kacie kearvell
Move on, im sure you will find someone else.
You can always miss someone and not necessarily have feelings for them! What you are feeling now is normal; maybe they lived with you, maybe they loved you, or maybe they were just someone you had a good time with. Whatever it is, you're probably missing the fun times you had together, like that time when he spilt marinara on his trousers and you both laughed, or when you went to Europe together and and embaressed yourself in front of his parents! This doesn't mean you miss your love intrest, but it does mean you need something to do! Find someone else to have fun with!
Yes, but it depends how you say it. If you imply I miss you because I love you then no. If you imply I miss your friendship or I miss having you around as a friend then that's fine.
A stronger meaning for I miss You would be that someone wishes that you were around and that they are nothing without you.AnswerI need you in my life, I love you.