yes sometimes.
if the pain is on your left side i would go to the hospital just to rule out ectopic pregnancy, there are a few sites with information on this so if you read what symptoms they are you can then compare, dont wait tho x
Pregnancy symptoms are not a normal side effect of Mirena removal. Take a pregnancy test.
Slight pain occasionally is normal, as long as it isn't sharp, if it persists call the doctor.
Your side will hurt when you cough or strain and you will bleed if it's a tubal pregnany.
i don't think that's normal. sorry :)
side effect of not taken routine drugs during pregnancy
is dolo-cold safe during pregnancy (3 months pregnancy)
No it probably won't hurt the baby but if you are really concerned about it, check with your doctor.
Yes. Actualy the best position to sleep in is on your left side.
I am not sure if this is "normal" but this happened to me during my first trimester of my second pregnancy. Everything came out find and I had a healthy baby girl. I am now in my third pregnancy and this same thing is happening all over again. In my opinion I think this is something that happens in some women during there first trimester when they are pregnant, but check with your doctor to be on the safe side.