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Well I'm not exactly sure if it's normal, but mine is too. So I it helps you're not the only one.(:

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Q: Is it normal for your period to be brownish red spotting and be a little chunky?
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Brownish discharge ten days after menstrual cycle is it normal?

if u get it every month maybe its ovulation spotting

You are 31 weeks pregnant and have a little bit of brownish spotting is that normal?

it maybe the start of your bloody show. if it starts to become quite thick almost like jelly it is most probably be your mocous plug coming away but i would see the doctor just in case but im sure it is normal if u are not in any pain and you are having plenty of movement from your baby.

Can you still be pregnant if you have light brownish bleeding?

Some spotting is okay. It can even be normal but you probably should visit your O.B. to make sure everything is okay.

Would it be possible for normal spotting during pregnancy to be a little heavy - not period heavy - but a small flow?

Yes it is possible if this isn't normal for you.

What would spotting pinkish brownish discharge 2 weeks before and for a few days off and on before your period mean?

It's totally normal. It's just dried blood from your last period.

If your period was expected 3 days ago and you've had light bleeding not like your normal period it's a brownish-red color you have had other symptoms of pregnancy Could this be implantation bleeding?

yes it could be. I had brownish spotting when my period was due, and I was pregnant. But the only way to know for sure is to test.

You take the morning after pill you get your period when your sopposed too and your period is normal but after its done you have spotting is that normal?

Spotting is very normal while on the pill. After a few months you shouldn't have any spotting.

Is it normal to have clotts of blood when spotting?

no it is not normal

Are brownish sperms normal?

definetly not

Is 'spotting only' period normal?

No spotting only period is not normal. You should consult you gynae for such case.

Birth control and spotting? normal.

Is it normal to have spotting in an orange color?
