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my tounge was super swollen and some days be less swollen than others, i find if you eat more spicy foods it will swell abit more but that may just be tounge was swollen for about 2 weeks and i was super concerned but it healed fine and i have no problems with it now :)

Tongue piercings will swell for a minimum of two weeks, this is not unusual. Keep on the cold stuff and watch out for overly spicy food and food that are too hot temperature wise. Swish and swallow cold water after everything you eat or drink that leaves a residue on the tongue. Avoid dairy products for the first five or six days, these products can support bacterial growth so just be sure to rinse with cold water only after eating these products....

You will survive and end up with a good piercing if you look after it correctly.

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Q: Is it normal for tongue to be swollen a week after you got it pierced?
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I've had my tonuge pierced for bout 8 weeks .. its normal for your tongue to bleed but if its does go away with in another week or 2 weeks you should have it checked out

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well i have not had my lip pierced but i have had the Labret which is very close to the lip and i have my tongue pierced you cannot feel your tongue being pierced, but its almost immpossible to eat for about a week . The labret hurt like hell though.

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I changed mine about a week after I pierced it and it was fine

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My nose hurt worse then my tongue. However, the first week of having your tongue pierced sucks!

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Never worry, it's totally normal. Your ears are somewhat adapting to you piercing since the 'metal' or the earring is a foreign bypasser. If the swelling lasts more that a week, that's weird. (:

How long does your tongue stay swallon after you get it pierced?

Depends but usually no more than a week

How long does tongue stay swollen after it is pierced?

ive got mine pierced like 3 days ago and the swelling is so bad not even kidding, i have a large tongue anyway but thats not the point, it trobs at night, hard to sleep, i think it lasts a week, so stay dosed up on ibprofen every 4 hours. Asprin helps the best, takes the pain right away! but yeah i think a week at the max XxX

Is it normal for some one to swallow weird after a tongue piercing?

Naah, Your probably gonna die.. awk << WRONG!! << You swallow weird after a tongue piercing because it is swollen... I know because I have one of my own... it should take up to a month to heal if you don't move your tongue... Mine took a week for the swelling to go down but if it is swollen after a month then you weren't moving your tongue... If it helps you put crushed ice one your tongue and you will be okay...

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by experience i did mine wrong and i pierced a vain all that happen was that my tongue got num for a week and there was alot of blood

Can alcohol peroxside clean a tong piercing?

i wouldn't clean a tongue piercing with peroxide. when you first get your tongue pierced you're suppose to clean it with antiseptic mouth wash and you are suppose to drink liquids for a whole week when you first get it pierced.

How many days do you talk funny after getting your tongue pierced?

i got mine down in december. & you talk normal, it's just kinda hard to eat the first week but you manage. eat alot of ice.