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Purchasing counterfeit designer bags is illegal and usually not allowed in some countries. But it's also not legal if you know they are counterfeit designer bags but obtained them illegally. Because people want to get these designer bags at a lower price, some fake designer bags are becoming popular, just like you can find them on sale in BabaReplica, AliExpress and some Chinese factories.

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13y ago

Yes it is legal to buy a fake designer bag but it is not legal to sell a fake designer bag.

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There are many ways to identify fake bags such as Tommy Hilfiger. You can tell if bags are fake by their material. You can also examine the stitching and tag placement of the bag.

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She tried to pass off her fake designer bag as a pseudo luxury item to fit in with her friends.

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The bag will most likely have less valuable/less expensive materials. Some examples are fake leather, plastic instead of metal, easily torn/rough fabric. It really does come down to exact placement of logos and the weight and feel of the bag itself.

Where can one purchase a small leather designer bag?

I bought this northbison bag for five years and it was only slightly damaged, I think this retro bag is perfect for me, you can buy it on this website, a lot of this company sells retro bags, you can click this to see the northbison leather bag