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You can clone a phone but it is illegal. You clone a phone by downloading all information on the phone to a computer or memory card. You then transfer the info. on the computer or memory card onto the hardrive of a new phone. That way it is the same phone.


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I don't know!

Go figure!

or just ask your parents!

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Q: Is it legal to clone your own cellphone?
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A Clone of My Own was created on 2000-04-09.

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you cant clone yourself without a bunch of science stuff.if you did have that stuff, you wouldn't be able to clone in the united states cause its not legal

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Do you mean, "dangerous?" It's not possible to clone a deceased organism. It's not legal to clone a human being.

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If cloning was allowed would a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone have a right to clone itself?

One would hope that if cloning were allowed, the clones would be defined as people. If they are people then they should have the same rights as people who are not cloned. If people who are not cloned have the right to clone themselves then those who are should have it as well. The word "right" can have a legal and an ethical aspect. The question might be talking about whether the practice is legal or whether it is moral. The Legal Profession treats that sort of question as money in the Bank and will vigorously defend you right to your opinion. The Religious Ethics community will likely oppose any such question until they have debated the question for several years.