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Q: Is it legal for an 18-year-old boy to date a 15-year-old girl in the state of Washington with parent consent?
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Is it legal in the state of Washington to give parent consent to a 16 year old girl who is pregnant by another man other than the man she is giving consent to who is 24 to have a sexual relationship?

Parental consent? Parents cannot give someone consent to have sex. However, the age of consent in Washington is 16, she can do whatever she wishes in that aspect.

Can you drop out of school in Nebraska when you are 16?

If you are 16 you can, with a parent's consent, but you have to be 18 without parent's consent.

can i use a letter of consent from the absent parent to change my daughter's name?

No you do not need consent if you are the legal parent.

Does the one parent need consent from other parent?

For what?

Can one parent allow medical information to be shared without consent of the other parent?

If the parents are married, yes. If one parent has sole custody that parent can consent.

What is the legal age for piercing in Montana?

18 Without parent consent. With parent consent I believe you can have it done at 16.

How old do you have to be to get a facial piercings?

you can be 13+ to get a facial piercing if you have a parent consent if you do not have a parent consent then you have to be 18 years old

Can a minor get a tattoo with parent consent in North Carolina?

It is illegal for a minor to get a tattoo with or without parent consent in North Carolina.

Can you move out of the country with your kids if you have legal and physical custody of them?

Not without consent of the other parent. In Michigan the Parent with custody has to live with in 80 miles of the other parent, or get written consent from the other parent and get that consent approved by the courts to live outside of that 80 miles.

Can a parent take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent And if they do will child support continue?

You cannot take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent.

Can a minor gat a tattoo with parent consent in Tennessee?

yes you can in the state of tn you have to be 16 and have the legal consent of your parent or legal guardian either bring them with you or find out about the consent form