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Just the date, nothing more?

Legal but it shows a huge amount of immaturity on the part of the man.

He is either a predator or has grown old but not grown up.

More than a date?

Not legal and he risks being labelled a sex offender.

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Q: Is it legal for a 30 year old man to date a 17 year old girl?
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In IDAHO is it illegal to date a 21 year old man if you are 17 year old Girl?

It is legal to date a 21 year old man if you are a 17 year old girl. It is not legal to engage in certain activities with a 21 year old man as he could be prosecuted.

Is it legal for a 29 year old man to date a 16 year old girl in the state of NJ?

No it is illegal.

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No, that is very illegal until you are 18.

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No, even though it's consensual; it is still statutory rape.

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There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact and 15 is below the age of legal consent.

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so not legal. You need to be both adults. minors cant date adults.Dating is fine but no sex.

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Sex is legal in this case since the age of consent in Ohio is 16.

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Dating is legal but the minors parents would have to agree to it. Sex is not legal until she has reached the age of consent in her state.

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Dating is legal as long as the minors parents agree to it. Sex is another issue.

Can a 21 year old man date a 17 year old girl legally in Colorado?

No, in Colorado, the age of consent is 17, meaning that it is not legal for a 21-year-old to date a 17-year-old because the younger person is not of the legal age of consent.

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There are no laws regarding dating. The age of consent for sexual activity is 16 in South Carolina, so even that is legal.

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No. Dating is not the subject of any laws. Sexual contact is legislated, but an 18 year old can consent in any state.