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no unless it is threatening some one or if it scares the person

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Sending a prank text message can be considered illegal if it falls under harassment, threats, or violates privacy laws. It's important to consider the recipient's feelings and well-being before sending any message that could be perceived as hurtful or offensive.

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Q: Is it illegal to send a prank text message?
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Is it illegal for a teacher to go through the students text message?

Yes, it is generally considered illegal for a teacher to go through a student's text messages without proper authorization or consent. It violates the student's privacy rights and can be a breach of confidentiality. Teachers should follow appropriate protocols if they have concerns about a student's behavior.

Is it against the law to talk on a cell phone and drive in the state of Missouri?

I just spoke to a police officer and he said that it is not illegal to text or talk on a cell phone while driving YET. They are trying to pass it as a law. A law was recently past that it is illegal to drive and text under the age of 21yrs. in the state of MO. Now you can and probably will be found guilty if you are on the phone talking and are involved in an accident.

Can police after arresting a friend of mine go through his phone find your text and text you then and three days later?

Yes, the police can access the contents of your friend's phone after arresting him, including text messages. However, it is important to note that they are only allowed to do so with a search warrant or under certain legal circumstances. If they text you using your friend's phone, it is likely for investigative purposes.

What is an example of an informal document?

A text message conversation between friends discussing weekend plans would be an example of an informal document. It typically doesn't follow any specific formatting or structure and is used for casual communication purposes.

Are balisongs aka butterfly knives illegal in NY?

no there not illegal even text 242-242 for answers and there also not illegal because there not a gravity knife in some places yes it can be illegal but in newyork no it is not illegal unless its longer then 6" in newyork city there illegal up to 4" so if you just go to this website to find true facts you might want to look alittle harder on something that you researchQuestionAre butterfly knives illegal in New York AnswerNo, they are not. There are many stores in New York where you can purchase them. Thanks for using Cha-Cha!(242-242)In some U.S. states it is illegal to possess and/or carry such a knife in public. In certain jurisdictions, butterfly knives are categorized as a "gravity knife", "switchblade", or "dagger" although they are also occasionally outlawed by name ("butterfly knife").The knife is illegal in California if blade length exceeds two inches.In New York, the butterfly knife has been determined to not be a gravity knife.In Pennsylvania, the butterfly knife is legal for conceal and open carrying.Butterfly knife trainers feature a special blunt and unsharpened "blade," and are legal in areas where butterfly knives are not.for more information go to all about them in the US. and if anyone has time. I currently have an open question about knives as well.. if anyone has the time to answer my question I would greatly appreciate it!!!!the link to my question is::;_ylt=Ajvhn3I3DRT3zpDgccPJutrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080731103450AA2zCuq&show=7#profile-info-PGXqfVkMaa

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How do you show you did not send text but you did?

send a blank message

How do you send a text message from your mac?

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Select a number from your contact list, or type in a number on the keypad. Select the menu option to send a text message. Type the message. Press the button to send the message.

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To send a message to Skander Keynes you can message them on social media. If you have their cell phone number, you can also send a message via text message.

How do you send a text message to France?

a phone

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What is it called when you send a message on a mobile phone?

text message ! or texting

Can you send a text message from yahoo messanger and get replys?

Yes. Just put the number you want to send a text to into the SMS Box at the top of Messenger, then select the option to send SMS Message. The person will get the message from a weird looking number. They can save that number, and use it to send a text message to your yahoo username at any time.

How can I send an anonymous text message?

To send an anonymous text message, a website is usually needed. The message typed onto the computer and sent to the given number is converted from a text message to an SMS, and is then recieved by the other cell phone.

What is text number to send text message to LA Lakers scoreboard?

You couldn't send it direct to the scoreboard. You would have to text the stadium - and a member of staff would then type the message into the scoreboards computer.

How do you get a copy of Virgin Mobile text message?

You can send the message to your email and print it out from there.

If you are unable to make a call on a cellphone is it possible to send a text message?

This depends on the situation. If you are out of a service area, sometimes you can text a message and still get it sent. If you are shut off due to an unpaid bill, you will not be able to send text messages.