IN THE US- (laws in other places differ- and we get questions from several countries) it IS legal for a private citizen 21 yrs old to own a mini gun. HOWEVER- it must have been made, and registered with the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives before May 1986, and the $200 transfer tax paid on it. The Mini gun used in the movie Predator is privately owned. Due to the scarcity of legal mini guns, they are VERY expensive (around $200,000 for the one in the movie).
Possession of an UNREGISTERED mini gun is a serious crime, good for 10 yrs in a Federal prison, and a fine of $250,000.
Yes it is illegal to own a gun that does not have a serial number. It is also illegal to remove the serial number off a gun.
It is not illegal to own ammunition but you must have a permit to own a gun.
yes it is illegal to own a sawed off shot gun in far as i know its illegal in every state of the US
It is not illegal. There is no permit required to own a firearm.
Yes, a convicted felon can own and airsoft gun and/or a BB gun. It is a real gun that convicted felons cannot own, in which this would be illegal.
No, it is illegal for civilians to own a tank with a working gun in most countries.
There is no such weapon.
No, you can own one.
Generally speaking, no, but it depends on what circumstances you are referring to.