YES! It is illegal to hack anybodys Facebook account any where in the world.
Yes, hacking someone's Facebook account without their permission is illegal in California. It violates various state and Federal Laws, including the California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act and the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
technicaly it is illegal as it is a fake id but u wont be sent to jail or anything -- '''It is not illegal to make a Facebook account on a Fictional character. However, if you use pictures or information on a real person that are copyrighted, it is illegal.''' '''It's possible that is it illegal to make a fake facebook account on a real person. Say, making a facebook account that has your information but someone else's name.'''No, but its not a good idea. It really depends on what your doing. If your trying to bully someone, then you could be arrested on the extent of what you and you will get your account deleted. If your just making one to add random people, well that's just dumb. But if your just making one to play games, then that's fine.
It is not illegal to call someone gay on Facebook. However, using hate speech or discrimination based on sexual orientation could violate Facebook's community standards and result in content removal or other actions by the platform. Additionally, if the comments are deemed as harassment or cyberbullying, they could be reported to Facebook for further review.
Yes, but it is illegal and an invasion of their privacy.
In California, it is illegal to possess, sell, or transport switchblade knives. These knives are classified as illegal weapons under California Penal Code Section 17235. Violating this law can result in criminal charges and penalties.
Yes, it is against Facebook's terms of service for individuals under 13 years old to create an account. This rule is in place to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in the United States, which restricts the collection of personal information from children under 13 without parental consent.
It is regarded as unethical activity.
It is very illegal to hack into anything.Aside from facing the charges that the law enforcement will arrest you for, you will also be sued by both the owner of the account and the website (in this case, Facebook) the account is on.
It is really hard to hack a facebook password. It is also illegal to hack someones facebook password.
It is very illegal to hack into anything.
It is very illegal to hack into anything.
If you have permission then you are not 'hacking'.
I do not believe so but by the way it is not illegal to have a Facebook account before the age of 18. The age is actually 14.
That would involve certain illegal activities - which we in the Wiki community will not help you with !
technicaly it is illegal as it is a fake id but u wont be sent to jail or anything -- '''It is not illegal to make a Facebook account on a Fictional character. However, if you use pictures or information on a real person that are copyrighted, it is illegal.''' '''It's possible that is it illegal to make a fake facebook account on a real person. Say, making a facebook account that has your information but someone else's name.'''No, but its not a good idea. It really depends on what your doing. If your trying to bully someone, then you could be arrested on the extent of what you and you will get your account deleted. If your just making one to add random people, well that's just dumb. But if your just making one to play games, then that's fine.
They don't. It is illegal for anyone to "hack" into a Facebook account or any account. Law enforcement officials need to follow the law and Facebook Terms of Service to obtain account records or access to Facebook accounts. Facebook has a specific system in place for "Law Enforcement Online Requests".
That's illegal and will get you permanently banned. But if you REALLY wanna know...ask someone else.
There is no serial key for Facebook Hacker V3. This is because any program that causes an account to be hacked is illegal.