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The laws are varied as to whether it is legal or not. Some states don't prosecute close in age couples, within a couple years. Others believe that anything under the age of 16, regardless of their partner is illegal. Note that the age in most places is 16, not 18.

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Q: Is it illegal for two minors to have intercourse?
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In Illinios is it illegal for tow minors to have intercourse?

You have to be 17 to have sex there.

In Illinois is it illegal for tow minors to have intercourse?

You have to be 17 to have sex there.

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Speaking from experience, inUtah it is illegal to have premarital sex. Or at least that's what the officer told me.... It is also illegal for minors to engage in intercourse, but my dad is an attorney and told me it would get thrown out if appealed.

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No it is not illegal unless the actors are minors.

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Kissing is never illegal. Sex with minors is illegal.

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It will depend on what reason it was given for.

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no, it is still illegal regardless of your age

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It is illegal for minors to purchase tobacco products.

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Dating is not illegal. Sex between those two is illegal and prosecutable.

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There are no laws about dating. There are laws about sexual contact. The laws vary from place to place, but typically someone over the age of 16 is safe. It is illegal for anyone to sexually exploit minors. Be careful!

Is it legal to get engaged at the age of 16 in Virginia?

Yes it is illegal as both of you are minors.

Can tattoo parlors tattoo minors in California?

Why not? The answer is yes. Though, it might depend on where the miners happen to live or be... It is illegal in California for any minors to be tattooed, CA Code 653. It is illegal and punishable by law to tattoo a minor.