The laws vary quite a bit from state to state, but in general, it is not illegal- but it IS restricted. When I hunt with my grandson, who is 14, he is a minor carrying a firearm- but it is legal since he has his parent's permission to hunt with me. In some states, a minor performing work as a rancher may carry a handgun- on his parents property, or with their written permission. The common factor seems to be with parent's permission. However, as I said- laws vary state to state- and country to country. You would need to check YOUR laws.
Adults age 18 and over. Minors cannot have them. Bringing them to school or other public places is illegal.
It is illegal for minors to smoke and also illegal to sell tobacco products to minors.
You cannot openly carry paintball guns anywhere. you must keep it in a case, with gun, air and paint separate until you are home or at the field.
Yes, stun guns are legal to carry in Texas, unless the stun gun is in the shape of an item that is already deemed illegal to carry, such as a baton, sap, or brass knuckles.
Guns are illegal in Japan. Citizens can't carry.
Depending on where you are, guns are NOT illegal.
No. You just get arrested or shot. It is not illegal to carry a handgun into a bank in Arizona as long as you have a permit and as long as the bank does not have a sign posted stating no guns are allowed. You will not "just get arrested" because it isn't illegal.
Cap guns are illegal in Rhode Island.
No it is not illegal unless the actors are minors.
No they carry spud guns
No, you may not carry any minors.