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The laws vary quite a bit from state to state, but in general, it is not illegal- but it IS restricted. When I hunt with my grandson, who is 14, he is a minor carrying a firearm- but it is legal since he has his parent's permission to hunt with me. In some states, a minor performing work as a rancher may carry a handgun- on his parents property, or with their written permission. The common factor seems to be with parent's permission. However, as I said- laws vary state to state- and country to country. You would need to check YOUR laws.

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8y ago

in most states it is probably illegal to posses or carry a firearm by minors

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Adults age 18 and over. Minors cannot have them. Bringing them to school or other public places is illegal.

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It is illegal for minors to smoke and also illegal to sell tobacco products to minors.

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You cannot openly carry paintball guns anywhere. you must keep it in a case, with gun, air and paint separate until you are home or at the field.

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Yes, stun guns are legal to carry in Texas, unless the stun gun is in the shape of an item that is already deemed illegal to carry, such as a baton, sap, or brass knuckles.

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Guns are illegal in Japan. Citizens can't carry.

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Depending on where you are, guns are NOT illegal.

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No. You just get arrested or shot. It is not illegal to carry a handgun into a bank in Arizona as long as you have a permit and as long as the bank does not have a sign posted stating no guns are allowed. You will not "just get arrested" because it isn't illegal.

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Cap guns are illegal in Rhode Island.

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No it is not illegal unless the actors are minors.

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Are stun guns illegal in Wisconsin?

No Stun Guns are not Illegal in Wisconsin, they are just restricted. You need a Concealed carry license or a recognized out of state equivalent license to legally carry stun guns in Wisconsin. But, you can have a stun gun in your home or business and even carry it in your vehicle if it's in a closed case without having a CCW. There is a catch though. No one is allowed to sell a Stun Gun to you without a valid CCW. So in short, you'll need a CCW in order to have one.