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It's okay, but not the best solution.

Toilet paper is good if your period starts and you have no supplies with you, but as it's not very absorbent and falls apart it's not great to use all the time. It is much better to use menstrual products such as pads, tampons or menstrual cups.

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Q: Is it good to use toilet paper when on your period?
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What toilet paper does not clog toilet?

All toliet paper can clog a toliet...just dont use half of the roll good toilet melts in water

What to do when your unprepared for your period?

If it is an absolute emergency, roll up toilet paper and put it in your underwear until you get get a pad or tampon. Note: use very thick roll of toilet paper.

What kind of adhesive do they use in toilet paper?

There is no adhesive in toilet paper.

Why can you only use toilet paper in toilets?

because its called TOILET PAPER

Who were the first people to use toilet paper?

The first people to use and invent toilet paper were the Chinese.

How many people use toilet paper?

99.9% of people on earth use toilet paper Wrong. Hardly 15% world population uses/afford toilet paper.

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They used cotton wool as toilet paper or leaves

You have no pads for your period what should you use?

If You Have No Pads, Use Toilet paper or A Clean Sock Just Make sure You Change It Every 4 Hours

How many varieties of toilet paper should I use?

Usually, most people will only use one type of toilet paper and then maybe a baby wipe as well. You will have to find the toilet paper that is right for you.

Do British use toilet paper?

Yes, every nationally, every race, and every person should use toilet paper.

How do blind people know when to quit reaching for toilet paper?

When the toilet paper isn't slippery while wiping the rectum area. As long as there is material around the anus, it will be slippery when wiping. When there is none, the toilet paper doesn't slide as good. That is the method I use as I cannot see.

Should you flush your toilet paper or throw it in the basket?

flushing ones toilet paper depends on the grade, you shouldn't be throwing heavy or very course toilet paper into the toilet as it causes blockages. keep to thin toilet paper for when actually using the toilet and use the heavier and courser toilet paper for when drying your hands and put it into the basket.