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Being stubborn can be either good or bad, it depends what you are being stubborn about. Some principles are worth defending, others are not.

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10mo ago

Being stubborn can sometimes be seen as a negative trait because it may prevent you from being open to new ideas and perspectives. However, in certain situations, being stubborn can also show determination and resilience. It's important to strike a balance and know when to be flexible and when to stand your ground.

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What is the connotation between determined and stubborn?

While determined often implies having a clear goal and being persistent in achieving it, stubborn can have a negative connotation of being inflexible or resistant to change. Determined individuals are typically seen as focused and driven, while stubborn individuals may be perceived as rigid or unwilling to compromise.

Which word is the best synonym for headstrong?

There are several words that can be used as another word for headstrong. One of the best synonyms that can be used for headstrong would be obstinate. Others include ungovernable, bullheaded and stubborn.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being stubborn?

Advantages: Stubbornness can help someone stay committed to their goals, persevere through challenges, and resist negative influences. Disadvantages: Being stubborn can lead to closed-mindedness, conflict in relationships, and missed opportunities for growth and learning.

What does the idiom 'she's bull-headed' mean?

The idiom "she's bull-headed" means that the person is stubborn and refuses to change their opinions or views even when faced with opposing arguments or evidence. It implies that they are obstinate and unwilling to compromise.

Is stubborn a character trait?

Yes, stubbornness can be considered a character trait. It reflects a strong-willed and determined attitude, often leading individuals to stick to their opinions or decisions despite outside influence. However, it can also be seen as a negative trait if it hinders cooperation or flexibility.

Related questions

What is a good simile for as stubborn as?

Stubborn as a mule.

Does stubborn have a positive or negative connotation?

Stubborn has a fairly negative connotation, implying that someone is 'stubborn' to the point of not listening to good advice, but since being stubborn can be a good thing under some circumstances, this can vary. It is more negative than saying 'she perseveres', but much less so than saying 'he is hard-headed'.

Is Bella from twilight good or evil?

Bella Swan is good. She is very nice, clumsy, caring, yet stubborn and overdramatic.

What is a sentence using the word stubborn?

This child is so stubborn. Why do you act so stubborn?

What are all the forms for stubborn?

stubborn stubbornly

How do you say stubborn in polish?

Stubborn = Uparty.

What part of speech is stubborn?

Stubborn is an adjective.

Can you refuse to be stubborn?

Well, if you're refusing to be stubborn, that makes you awfully stubborn, now doesn't it?

what is stubborn it is noun or a pronoun?

The word 'stubborn' is not a noun or a pronoun. The word 'stubborn' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun, for example, a stubborn child, a stubbornproblem.

Are budgies good starter pets?

yes! they are patient, cute, easy to care for, but a bit stubborn

A Sentence With The Word stubborn?

The child was stubborn about not eating the spinach. The stubborn bolt was not going to come loose. He was only being stubborn, but it annoyed a lot of the team.

Is your brother is stubborn as a mule a metaphor?

Yes, "stubborn as a mule" is a metaphor implying that the person is very stubborn, just like a mule known for its stubborn nature.