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Yes it is, but not all men or women do while deployed. Some are very faithful to their spouses and if they write home or keep in some sort of communication and tell you they love you then believe it! Even if you just get a letter every three to four months. Mail is slow at times and of course there is security reasons as well so you may not hear from them as much as you would like.

This is a difficult question because during all wars in history sometimes soldiers feel that they may die and want to feel human again and feel that closeness with someone and so they 'cheat' if that is what you want to call it. They may miss you and just want to hold another human being close to them and it could lead to a sexual relationship, but, the percentages of continuing on with that relationship is very low. It's no different than a soldier missing his children and fighting in Another Country and picking up a child of that war-torn country just to hold it's little body close. Feelings run high and mortality hits soldiers in the face on a daily basis and is at the top of the list. This is one area where I don't feel cheating while deployed is like normal cheating. War is hell!

If you are getting letters from your husband or he is one of the fortunate ones that can phone you the odd time consider yourself lucky. He obviously loves you if he takes the time to do that. Not all soldiers have the freedom to keep in touch that frequently with their wives or husband for security reasons so don't take this as a sign he is cheating. It's a war, not a party! Most soldiers are fighting; trying to stay alive or trying to get some much needed sleep. When in doubt watch the news! Also it would be good for you to join a chat room where other wives or husbands have someone that has been deployed. It helps to listen to others and you can also express your own feelings and get a better range of what war is actually all about and how soldiers feel on a daily basis.

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Q: Is it easier for soldiers to cheat on their spouses while deployed?
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Why do soldiers cheat with other soldiers while deployed?

* Yes. Whenever people are confined together they have sex. Think prison or summer camp. * This has gone on in many wars and not just the war in Iraq. Soldiers often live in the danger zone 24/7, are thousands of miles from their loved ones and some miss their girlfriends, wives and feel they want to be warmed by another human so they cheat. They also share a common bond ... war and staying alive. For many soldiers it's not a conscious effort, but true, there are a small percentage that would cheat no matter if they were at home or at war.

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heck no! just because she cheated on you doesnt give you any reason to cheat on her.

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All marriages can have problems, but with good communication skills and working out the problems. Not all spouses cheat. However, the longer the problems persist in a marriage the higher the rate of one or both spouses cheating.

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its adultery which is a sin, not illegal unless in a prenup situation

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YES.Cheating is cheating is cheating is cheating. They could be on the MOON and it would be NO different.

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Two people willing to cheat on one or both of their spouses. It also involve selfishness.

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* This is very common to dream of your fiance cheating because you are deployed and under orders and your fiance is free at home to do as she wishes. You should know her enough to know whether she is the type of young woman that would cheat on you. Some women do cheat because they become lonely, but thankfully most women do not cheat while their fiances or husbands are deployed. Keep writing and if possible (and a tape recorder is available to you) ask her to send you a tape of her talking to you just so you can hear her voice and do the same thing for her. Sometimes hearing each others voices is the next best thing to being there. Take care and God Bless.