If the 16yr old was regular and then missed one randomly - she could be pregnant. If she has only just started, it is common for periods to be missed, late, early etc.
Sometimes your period can be a little late. If you've started playing sports, it's normal if you miss a period or two. I've gone through it myself.
of course she can. its the beginning cycle so it may come & go up to a year.
Yes, it is common to have an irregular period when you are young. If there is any possibility you could be pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test to rule that out.
If you have your period and you miss it, age does not matter. Usually missing your period means you are pregnant. But periods do come late. If you have had sex then you should probably take a test.
Miss Jane Pittman was 110 years old at the time of her death in the novel "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman."
It is not normal to get your period that early. If a 5 year old did start her period then it would be recommended that she see a doctor.
From when you get your period it can take up to 2 years before you become regular so yes, it can skip several months.
No a six year old can not have there period . This is because women have thousands of eggs in her body that form's a baby and you get your period when they fully mature.And,as a six year old you should not be worried until you hit puberty which is 9-19 year olds,then when you're about 10-12 you have you're first period.
That would depend on the ime fram that you are asking about. That growth in a year is very common, in a 6 month period is painful, but all things considered, not unheard of.
Penda Ly, a 21-year old student from Dakar, was crowned Miss Senegal 2012.
That should be ok, but a 6 year old should not be in there for an extended period.