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NO it isn't as you are not together so therefore its not called cheating its called dating

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Q: Is it cheating if you are broken up?
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No it is not cheating when you have broken up with someone even though they still love you. Ex boyfriends are free to date whomever they want and she could have done the same.

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Yes Because her and loggie are broken up and Logan is single

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It was likely just a rumor to since no one was sure why they had broken up.

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Well Taylor and Taylor are broken up at this moment in time and shes available.

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yes. or he just doesnt like you. simple as that. your supposed to talk to him every day, ther is NO SUCH thing as a "relationship exercise".

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You have to be sure that your girlfriend is a liar (lied to you before) before accusing her of cheating on you. If you have caught lying about cheating then you are wise to break up the relationship with her because once a bond of trust is broken it is difficult to go on in the relationship. Since no individual knows themselves 100% they cannot be expected to know another person 100%.

When cheating happens is saying sorry enough?

It is up to u. if u think it is then yh but i wouldn't. they could cheat on you again and then u would have a broken heart. if they are truly sorry they would do anything at all do get u back. i was in a serious relationship with a guy and then i relised he was cheating on me and he said sorry but i said it was not enough. today he is still trying to get me back but i don't think he will succeed as i don't want another broken heart. like i said at the start, IT IS UP TO YOU!!!!

Woman says she broke up with fiance before cheating... man says she didn't is it considered cheating?

To her - no. To him - yes. It depends on who you believe. It appears that you believe him - as you say "she broke up with fiance before cheating"... if she broke up with him and met someone else then it wasn't "cheating".

Is it called cheating when you are looking up answers?

It is cheating if you are being tested on your ownknowledge of a subject.

If a boy is cheating what do you do?

Break up with him?

How is a play broken up?

Plays are broken up into Acts. Acts are further broken up into Scenes.

Is Hollywood undead broken up?

No they are not broken up.