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It is very much called cheating if it is not with you If your significant other even kisses someone else it is cheating. Oral sex is definitely cheating.

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Is kissing another person called cheating if your in a relationship?

it depends are you going out with the person you kissed.if you are then you are cheating on your boyfriend/girlfriend.

My boyfriend is always getting phone calls from girls that claim to be his girlfriend. When i tell him who called for him he never knows who they are. Is he cheating?

It sounds like he is, your boyfriend is taking you for a fool. Go and meet somebody else who will love you and give you the respect you deserve.

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If you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend or not married then it's not cheating. If you have either and you like a person then they are a friend you are fond of and it should go no further than that. If it does and an attached individual tells another person they love them then that is considered cheating.

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When a boyfriend gives money to a girlfriend it is called a gift. If he wants the money returned it is a loan.

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Be very sure you have some good reasons to think your boyfriend is cheating. If you feel he is (called 'gut feelings') then go with a girlfriend and follow him on the weekend. You can also ask around. Try asking his friends, your friends or anyone else he knows. If you think he'll admit to cheating most generally don't. Catch him in the act.

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One word: Cheating.

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That is called cheating. Don't let them get away with it!

What is it Called when you have a boyfriend and girlfriend?

A relationship =.= Are you stupid or something?

Is it called cheating when you have a boyfriend but like someone else?

I personally would not define "liking" someone else while you are seeing someone as cheating, however, it is most definitely not faithful. A guy at my work says this about cheating: "if you would not do it with your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse in the room, it's cheating." For example: Kissing If you would not kiss that person with the person you are seeing in the room it's cheating. Another example could be less drastic: Holding hands. If you would not hold hands with that person with the person you are dating in the room then it is cheating.

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NO!Jeff Hardy has a girlfriend called Beth Britt

What is that new song called about the guy cheating on his girlfriend and she catches him?

There are many songs about girlfriends catching cheating boyfriends, including: "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood

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She probably did it to make the ex- boyfriend jealous.