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Yes I weigh around 190 and I'm 5,11 and a pretty chubby guy

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Q: Is it bad to weigh 190 pounds at 13 years of age?
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How much weight should you lose if you weigh 151 at age 10 years old?

about 10 pounds

You are 11 years old and you weigh 62 pounds and you are 4 feet 11 inches - are you underweight?

No, not really. When I was that age, I believe I was around fifty pounds.

You are a nine year old girl and you weigh 138.2 pounds how much should you weigh?

Its not good to weigh that much at your age . If you are nine years old and are average height you should weigh about 90-100 pounds. But your weight will depend on your shape, and how physically active you are.

How many pounds are you supposed to weigh at age ten?

About 95 to 100 pounds.

What should a woman 5.5 56 years of age small frame and bones weigh?

one hundred and ninety four pounds.

Is it true that you should weigh half your age?

Weigh half your age? Let's look at this with an example. Say a man is 50 years old. Half his age is 25. So what what is meant by that number. What units apply? Is that 25 kilograms? If so, that is about 55 pounds. Ummm, tiny man. Or is that 25 pounds. Ummm, that's even smaller still. So the answer is NO. You should NOT weigh half your age.

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Children can transition to a booster seat when they reach the age of 4 years old and weigh at least 40 pounds.

What if you weigh 125 pounds is 13 years old and is 5foot 1?

It all depends on your body type. I was over 140 pounds at your age, and I'm not fat, just solid.

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They can typically weigh anywhere from 700 pounds to 1500 pounds. It depends on the age and diet of the animal.

You are 11 years old and you weigh 122 pounds are you fat?

No you are not your just human and at a certain age when a person is developed they weigh more but while others hit there growth the other will stop

If a person weighs 215 pounds how much are you suppose to weigh if you 18 years old?

Weight is not worked out on age it is worked out on sex and height.