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It's not always a good idea. You could get into trouble that you might not be ready for. ANSWER If you need practice flirting try to practice on guys your own age. It is okay to say, " You know I'm just flirting, right?" When you flirt with guys who are older, you may open yourself to someone who has physical experience that is way beyond your own. Ttherefore he has more advanced ideas about where the flirting is leading.

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Q: Is it bad to flirt with older guys?
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Why older guys flirt with me?

Guys (of any age) flirt with people they find attractive and want to know if there is mutual interest.

Is it legal to flirt with older guys?

AnswerYeah.AnswerNo of course not! You could flirt with an 100 yr. old and no one would care! It is normal to have feelings for older guys and flirt with them, there more mature for one thing! Just be careful they're not to much older than you.

Is it okay to just flirt with a lot of guys even if some of them are younger than you?

I don't think that you should flirt with guys younger cause I like a guy that is older so that I can trust and love them. It is fine to flirt because flirting is not something that is wrong.

Is it bad to like older guys?


Why girls flirt?

girls flirt to get a guys attention

When do guys flirt with you?

guys will flirt with you when they first meet you and want to get your number or get your attention............or when they want something

Is it bad to flirt with a 18 year old if your 14?

Its never bad to flirt but if you guys were to have then it'll be a legal issue. Dont have sex at such a young age you'll regret it. Wise words from Crazy Locster (

Do girls or guys flirt more?

Def. guys.!

When a guys a flirt is he always a flirt?

It's too difficult to answer this question. It sometimes depends on the guy. Some guys flirt with everyone. Some guys flirt only with the girls they like.The nature changes when these guys enter a relationship. They might stop flirting and develop some other characteristics.

If you talk to a lot of guys and you already have a bf but you flirt with the other guys is that being a slut?

Matter of opinion. most would consider it unsavory, and bad. Flirting with other guys while you are in a relationship will likely cause the relationship to fail. If you just want to flirt don't put yourself in the restrictive position of being in a relationship.

How do ugly guys flirt?

Yes..They Do..Ugly Guys Can Have Fun 2

Why do guys flirt with girls and nevr mention their girlfriends?

Because some guys are like this and believe in cheating and that it is ok to flirt and look but not touch