It is NOT OK...I just did my peircing and my lip is soooo swollen!!! Do not use Bactine!
Read the back of the bottle! In the event of deep wounds or puncture wounds consult a physician. That basically says with out saying it in plain English, don't use it on puncture wounds (piercings are deep puncture wounds). Jzuk
All piercing studios are required to check and record I.D. under federal and state piercing guidlines. Look do it right or don't do it at all, body piercing is regulated for a reason.
No. You should never under any circumstances put anything on your piercing such as Peroxide, Alcohol, Neosporin or Bactine. Peroxide, Alcohol and Bactine are very drying to your piercing and the surrounding skin, and will just make the problem worse. Neosporin dries inside your piercing and clogs it, causing a flare up. Regardless of what people may say, the only thing that will fully cure an infected piercing are antibiotics. Other products may mask the symptoms, leading you to believe the infection is gone, but in all reality it isnt. If you think your piercing is infected, see your doctor for antibiotics.
No. Never ever ever use peroxide, alcohol, bactine or neosporin on ANY piercings. The chemicals in these products are too harsh for the piercing and will cause severe irritation, which may lead to infection. All you need to put on it is antibacterial (Dial) soap once a day.
2-3 times a day with anti-bacterial soap (dial bar soap works best) and you should use h2oceans spray for body piercings (you can find it at hot topic) at least 3-6 times a day do not use any wound washes,anti-bacterial ointments or sprays such as kills all germs including the germs that help heal...
Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Dab the infected area with this saline water using a cotton ball. This will help drain the puss and reduce the swelling. If this does not help, antibiotics may be needed.
What you actually want to be using is liquid antibacterial soap and water and wash the piercing twice a day for the first day then every day there after for a week (7) days. Flushing the piercing with warm running water daily after cleaning to ensure you get all the soap out of the piercing. Stop using whatever you were using for cleaning, just soap and water. This should turn an infected navel piercing around in 24 to 48 hours.Things you don't use on your piercing: Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Sea salt, Salt, Betadine, Polysporin, Neosporin, Bactine, Pierced Ears Solution, Contact Lens solution, Aspirin, Epsom Salts, Dragon Mist.You need to flush the irritant out of the piercing and it won't heal if you keep putting the above items on the piercing. Liquid antibacterial soap, diluted with a little water as you lather it up will work the best to clean and disinfect the piercing.
To correctly punctuate the sentence, you could write: "This is the last time I'm going to tell you," my mother said to me with piercing eyes, "Clean up all of your toys from the living room."
Answer 1: It isn't easy! Especially if it's swollen. Assuming you have a ring in there, you clean it like any other piercing, only it's awkward cuz you can't see the back/inside. Twice a day, using a q-tip and clean hands and antimicrobial soap, clean all the crust off the front part of the ring (the part that's easily accessible), and off the skin around in. When it's good and clean, you can push that clean part into the piercing and then have easier access to the crust on the back part of the ring. Clean all the crust off the back/harder-to-access part of the piercing, and off the skin (I know it's hard cuz you can't see but make sure it's clean). Make sure the whole ring is squeaky clean, gently rotate it back the way you want it, and you're done :) Oh, and rinse off all traces of the soap so the piercing can "breathe" and heal properly.
Clean it for about three weeks or until all the gunk goes away. When you can move it without it hurting then you are ready to stop. Good Luck!
No no, all you need to do is to clean your piercing after you're done since sweat gathers bacteria rather quickly when not dried. Bleeding happens when you remove and re-insert the piercing wrong, otherwise you should be fine.
Make sure the health department says the lake is OK to go into first of all. Second if you do go into the lake be sure to wash the piercing out with clean running water after your swim.
Not at all - because you went to a reputable piercing salon, your belly ring is just secreting anti-microbial compounds to prevent such an infection from happening. Good call.