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No it is not a "sin". It is impractical to date someone 13 years older than you if you are invitro, however if the parties involved are of legal statutes (e.g. 27 and 40), it would not matter. The QUALITY of the relationship is what should be valued and not the mere time span. Remember, time is only relative.

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4mo ago

There is no universal answer to that question as beliefs about relationships vary across cultures and religions. It's important to consider legal age requirements in your region and to ensure the relationship is based on mutual respect and consent. Communication and understanding each other's perspectives can help navigate potential challenges related to age differences in relationships.

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Q: Is it a sin to date someone that is 13 years older than you are?
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No but why? Love your parents more and date same age.

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its up to you but i would wait till you was a bit older to date someone who is four years older than you.

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It depends on your gender, if you are a male and want to date a girl that is four years older than you, then go for it, it might be a little weird to your friends, but if she is the girl for you then it does not matter. If you are a girl and dating a boy that is four years older than you then it is ok. You can date whoever you want, its a free country and you can be as out there as you can.

Can a 16 year old date someone that is 8 years older than them if they have consent of a parent?

Both parents.