Your best bet is that she doesn't think you have the same feelings she MAY be having for you. You could talk to her about it, or tell her the truth about your feelings - life is too short for such things to keep going on-and-on so I'd just say to speak out your mind to her.
If you really hate someone and they eat with you at school, you can always find another spot to sit in. Eating lunch with someone you dislike so much is not good for your health.
well i had 2 friends who likes 2 ginger guys...but remember always, even if you are keen in one "type" of outer looks, it really doesnt matter when it comes to really liking someone. You can find yourself interested in someone who normally does not fit your "type" of looks. But, gingers look cute to some girls anyway!
Yes, Highcare School which is in Birmingham is a really a good school.
Yes there is no crime in liking someone. Year 9 is age range 13-14 in school so just talk and get to know them but stick to the same year as yourself.
Have you ever thought about the room not liking you?
depends i your cute if not then no
someone really mean and rude at school MALO!
Someone usually fails school through the lack of effort of learning. The other main reason is because that someone is trying to learn, but that someone doesn't get it, so that someone just fails everything, ultimately failing school. Someone could be failing school for some of these reasons... 1. By not doing there work correctly 2. Not showing up to school that much 3. Maybe by not turning work in on time either And those are the main answers to this question.
A good friend is someone whom you really enjoy being with and whom you really know well.A friend is someone to talk to about problems and someone whom you can see out side of school.
Yes . See, if you say don't you really like school, you're saying it as a comment after someone just said something for you to say and if you say do really not like school you're saying that they said they don't like school so you ask that and
if someone calls you a prep it means that usually you wear nice/ expensive clothes and are really into sports. And sometimes means that you are really popular and go to a really nice school. one time i had a guy call me a prep.. :P but i couldn't really do anything about it because i AM really into sports, wear pretty nice clothes, and am quite popular at my school (which is a public school :P)
You can try and get them to back off (iff your intimidating and the girl doesnt mind...try to find out if she wants him to leave her alone first, don't just do it without her knowing)...but you cant really get someone to stop liking someone, if someone came up to me and told me im not allowed to talk to one of friends anymore i wouldn't listen. Im sure you wouldn't if the other guy tried to get you to back off.