If he has the same feelings as you do for him, then it shouldn't be a problem. If he shys away, he's not worth it- either be friends (if he wants to) abandon him completely. Some guys aren't worth it. I'm in this same situation, but I'm happy with the way things are... we're 'dating'... not really, going to the library and such... but it's perfectly fine the way it is.
If you like that other guy bad idea!
You could say " Nice shoes, lets date" or just get to know her and ask her out.ResponseJust ask her out as you would a guy. Of course only ask her out if she's gay or bisexual. Otherwises it'd be a bad idea to do it
I guess it's a bad idea. She's to good to me, i should'nt think like that... :(
means there scared to get rejected and look bad.
Well the way i look at it is that I think its not bad to get a friend to ask someone out for you but to the guy it may show a sign of weakness so i dont know it really depends. Asking a guy out yourself can show a lad you wont stand no messing.
I have nooooooooo idea. I guess just like you'd ask someone your age.
I dont think texting him would be a bad idea... u could ask through a friend too. Or any other way u feel comfortable with. Either way, its totally brave of u to ask...Opinions by other users:If you can ask him face to face, that would be the preferred option in my opinion. You could though text him saying something like "I need to ask you something important, can we meet some time soon?". That will prepare him, and it might also make it easier for you to actually do it when you meet then :)
I have absolutly no idea! Go ask some french guy....
You may ask a guy to spend the night when he is drunk because you think he will be more inclined to say yes. This is not a good idea, many bad decisions are made while drinking and could result in hurt feelings.
You don't get him to ask you. It's a really bad idea. Ask him. 98% of guys are going to be very happy that you asked. Just don't do it in front of an audience; wait until there's no-one to hear. That way he won't be tempted to act like a jerk in front of them. Also, it'll be easier for you to ask.