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No way. Smoking is always bad for you and definitely not recommended after surgery. Look at as a chance to give up. If you have lasted 5 days the body no longer Needs the Nicotine its now just in your head and force of habit.

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Q: Is it OK to smoke cigarettes five days after knee surgery?
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No. There is no genuine evidence that smoking up to five cigarettes a day causes harm but I would strongly recommend against it. A couple become five, which become ten..........

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Yeah only if you smoke crack regualarely it should push it out of your system faster

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None, people should try to stop smoking. Smoking will kill you about five years earlier than if you did not smoke at all.

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Drink a gallon of water every day for a few days.

How much cigarettes does an average smoker smoke?

A pack a day smoker smokes 20 cigarettes x 365 days in a year, or 7300 Cigarettes. Half a pack a day, 3650 5 Cigarettes a day, 1825. One cigarette has between 1 and 1.5 mg of nicotine.

If you smoke crack five days before your mouth swab will you fail?

It takes 14 days to get out of system and even longer if you r a junky.

What is ratio per cigarette vs marijuana tar and nicotine?

According to the University of Washington ADAI, December 2012, three to five times the tar of cigarettes is inhaled and retained in the lungs of cannabis smokers. Nicotine is the one chemical in cigarettes that seems to be negligible in pot smoke.

How is recovery from surgery which requires sawing through chest plate?

The first three days following surgery will be spent in the intensive care unit. The next five to seven days are spent in a regular room. Nurses will be there to help you with your needs.

How much does a five a day smoker pay every year?

You did not say if that was five cigarettes, cigars or packs of either a day. Assuming cigarettes: 5/day = 1 pack every 4 days 1 pack/4 days = 91.3 packs a year (94) 94 packs @ $4.50 a pack (FL price for wholesale premium smokes) = $423.00/year.