Neither, inhalants, such as hydrocarbons (gas, spray paint, etc) are considered asphyxiants, meaning that when inhaled, they take the place of oxygen in the air and deprive your brain of oxygen, which causes the lightheadedness many people claim to experience. Huffing is very dangerous and can lead to brain damage, seizures, and death. Activities such as these are responsible for many deaths among children and adolescents every year. Don't do it.
its a depressant
Definitely a depressant
Not a hallucinogen. It is either a stimulant, depressant or both depending on the strain.
Magic mushrooms are neither a stimulant or depressant. They are a hallucinogen.
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant.
Khat acts as a stimulant.
Mescaline is a hallucinogen.
stimulant it's a neurotransmitter, not a drug