indica is not marijuana the term marijuana comes from the strain of sativa. the indica strain is considered to be the weed plant . even though they are both very much similar there is only one type of marijuana. that is in the strain of cannibus sativa,not indica
no, green crack s a 50/50, indica/sativa, kush is pure indica.
A strain of marijuana.
Marijuana or cannabis is made from the leaves, flowers, and buds of the Cannabis indica plant. It is commonly used for recreational and medicinal purposes.
Hemp, Cannibis Sativa, Cannabis Indica.
marijuana is basicaly the flower of the cannabis sativa/indica plant. when you dry the flower you get marijuana.
The best strain ive tried to date would have to be Skywalker OG (indica), Master Jack (indica), and Lambs Bread (hybrid).
Marijuana itself doesn't put people to sleep. There are two types of Marijuana, there is Sattiva and Indica. Basically Sattiva will let you be awake while feeling high still while Indica makes everything slower and in turn also makes you much more tired. Indica's side effects would include making one VERY tired regaurdless of how much sleep they had the night previous. It's all dependent on the kind of Marijuana ingested!
Marijuana comes from 2main types of plants the sativa which is a tall plant with skinny leafs and the indica plant which is short with thick leafs.
Yes, "indica" is a type of cannabis. There are 3 main types: Sativa Indica Ruderelis (not in itself very good, but has now been combined with other forms to produce autoflowering marijuana) Sativas on the whole take longer to mature, and generally produce a "head high", whereas indicas ripen more quickly and have more of a body stone ...
Its CANNABIS INDICA...Which is used to make HASH or Hashish
If your asking what is Marijuana, then Marijuana are the flowers/buds/stems/leaves of the Cannabis Sativa Plant or the Cannabis Indica Plant. Indica makes you feel lazy and gives you a body high, while Sativa makes you feel energetic and gives you a head high. There are weed hybrids out there that combine both effects to get a really good high.
Yes, I am doing so right now. It just really mellows you out more. Be sure to only smoke indica or indica dominant hybrids if you pop promethazine though.