If you're a Buddhist then yes. That is you believe in incarnation.
It is the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
The incarnation of the character from the book came to life through the actor's brilliant performance on stage.
The definition of incarnation is a deity in human flesh. Jesus was.
Marie of the Incarnation died in 1618-04.
"Incarnation" is a singular, common, countable noun.
White Incarnation was created on 1992-05-21.
Marie of the Incarnation was born on 1566-02-01.
incarnation hasn't even started because its not possible many scientist tried to reencarnate a person but it wasnt possible due to that your body wont react after your dead. it has been said that when you die you don't vcome back as a person but your cells don't die with you they become a tree or a flower or they just become part of the air. there for you die but your cells don't.
Incarnation means being embodied in physical form (usually as a person, although other types of incarnation are also considered to be possible, such as incarnation as an insect). There are many religions which believe that a person consists of both a spiritual essence or soul, and a body. When the body dies, the spiritual essence might go somewhere else, to an afterlife, or may be reborn as another person, in which case that would be called reincarnation, or being incarnated again. If a spirit has no body (such as a ghost) it can be described as disincarnate, meaning not incarnated.
Within the Buddhist faith, the cycle of incarnation still continues today.
no it is not but is the incarnation of the moment when lord shiva is in anger and dance
December 25 is the feast of the Incarnation - when the Word became flesh.