Hemp Flower plant and marijuana plant both are same species.
cannabis its marijuana
hemp is the leaf of marijuana and the THC is in the buds of the marijuana
No, however George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp. Hemp comes from the same plant as marijuana, but has a low THC content. It was used for rope mostly.
No, marijuana plants are a soft bush. Perhaps you are thinking of hemp (Cannibis Sativa), which is a plant of the same family as marijuana.
Yes, riboflavin is derived from hemp seed oil. hemp seed is the same substance that marijuana is.
weed is considered hemp.
As opposed to hemp, the THC content in marijuana is much higher than 0.3%. For this reason, marijuana often produces psychoactive effects in users. Itβs also important to note that marijuana is not legal nationwide, as is the case with industrial hemp.
Marijuana is a form of hemp. People have been making rope from the hemp plant from before the days of recorded history. You take three strands of the stems of the hemp plant and stretch them out. You put the three stems together and put an iron ring around them.You attach each one to the middle of a wheel. Then you spin all three wheels at the same speed in the same direction and it creates a hemp rope. You will need to move the iron ring in the process. The hemp in the marijuana stem is the same as any other hemp.
Hemp and marijuana are related plants, similar in appearance, but not the same when it comes to chemical makeup. Industrial hemp is a fibrous plant used to make rope, paper, fabric, oil products and more, but contains only minute amounts of THC. Hemp seeds are commonly used in many types of bird seed mixes. Marijuana contains high levels of THC and is used as a drug. And yes, plants have different sexes. Female marijuana plants produce buds (flowers), which contain the highest concentration of THC. And, when polinated by a male plant, those buds will develop seeds. Male plants have leaves and nodes for pollination, but do not produce buds or seeds. Their leaves do however, contain THC. Hemp is hemp, marijuana is marijuana - they are not the same plant.
pot, weed, hemp (although hemp is actually its own thing that is only related to marijuana and you can't really get high from smoking it, but for whatever reason people mean marijuana when they say it sometimes)
Hemp is made of a type of Cannabis Sativa, aka the marijuana plant. Most Hemp is made from a type of this plant that is not drug related.