i am going to say no
Ur gay that is obvious that if i said no i would be gay but im not gonna say nutin you retard HIDAN1234
Gay guys do not like or enjoy pooping any more than straight guys do. Of course, there is variance among the gay and straight populations as concerns pooping enjoyment, but there is nothing that would be gays especially prone to enjoying or disliking defacation.
Im going to say, go to a gay bar.
If they're gay, then sure, why not?
Sleepovers are for girl dude! (Note: People usually tag emo guys as gay guys is this is not all true as like you say all guy dancers is gay and everyone know that's not ture)
Just say that you have feelings for guys instead of girls. I doubt they will care, there's nothing wrong with beig gay. They will still be your friends!!
Of course. Some guys are closer to other guys than they are with their girlfriends and are not gay.
Not all gay guys are good-looking. Not all good-looking guys are gay. Sorry!
Well guys blush usually why you ask the if they like you or if u say something and i guess its atractive i dont know?
Gay guys, straight guys, and bisexual guys can all get tattoos.
No and some ugly guys are gay too.