Going to the bathroom is a necessary body function. In that respect, going to the bathroom is healthy. It can become unhealthy if you do not use healthy practices, like washing your hands after eliminating.
To say 'He is going to the bathroom' you would say 'Va al baño.'
would going to the bathroom often be a sign of colon cancer
Did you go to the bathroom on his desk, or your desk in your pants or on his face?
It's not a sin. It's a good thing. Not going, however, it's a sin.
Only if you are going to the bathroom a lot due to having severe dysentery or a deadly form of food poisoning.
He is going to be on Raw
It is not illegal
Not going to mass on Sundays or holy days is considered a mortal sin in the Catholic Church.
they went to the bathroom in a stream that they did not use for drinking water.
eating and going to the bathroom