Gethin Jones's birth name is Gethin Clifford Jones.
Gethin Jones was born on February 12, 1978.
Gethin Jones is 33 years old (birthdate: February 12, 1978).
He is 5'6" with shoes on.
Yes they are brother and sister
Gethin and Camilla did that Tango to Mr. Jones
Currently, Gethin is dating mezzo soprano Katherine Jenkins and likes to keep their private life SECRET.
Gethin Jones is a Welsh Television host who was previously a rugby player. He hosted a popular children s TV show before joining the TV show Day Break.
Gethin Jones was born on February 12, 1978.
She is dating Gethin Jones and she likes to keep her private life SECRET.
Yes. definitely. Steve Jones is also his son. No, Steve Jones isn't related to Tom Jones at all. Mark Woodward and Jonathan Berkerly are Tom's sons.
yes, check out ascot race meeting 2009.