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If your a straight man why would you have gay sex?

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Why do gay men need stronger sex?

gay men do not need stronger sex. Healthy sexual activity is a need for most people, gay or straight.

What does it mean if your straight I was online and somebody said something about being gay or straight?

If someone is straight, that means they are sexually attractive to the opposite sex. Men with Women, or Women with Men. If someone is gay, that means the individual is sexually attracted to the same sex. Men with other Men, or Women with other Women.

What does it mean when a straight man feels a little uncomfortable with a gay friend who has not made any advances?

Answer I'm a straight man and I want nothing to do with gay men. If I wanted to be around gay men, then perhaps I shouldn't be hanging around with women. Women on the other hand don't seem to have a problem with gay men as they know they can go out with these men and not get hit on for sex as a gay man will rarely ever touch a straight woman. Straight men feel threatened by gay men.

As men get older do they think of gay sex more?

The answer should be no. Gay men think of gay sex, straight men think of straight sex as they get older. However, for various reasons through the years, gay men have married women when they were younger. Sometimes they didn't know they were gay. Sometimes they knew but hoped that by marrying, it would go away. Sometimes they knew but felt forced to marry by society, by their families, by expectations. As they get older, these gay men in straight marriages find that they get tired of living a lie. They don't always tell their wives about this, unfortunately, but start thinking about gay sex more. Sometimes they go out and have gay sex. And because they've never had to worry about condoms in their marriage, they may not bother with them in the new gay world. And some get diseases (including HIV) and bring them home to the wife. So if you are thinking more of gay sex as you are getting older, think about being honest with your wife, and ALWAYS use a condom.

What is the opposite of gay?

The opposite of gay is straight. Gay refers to individuals who are attracted to the same sex, while straight refers to individuals who are attracted to the opposite sex.

What has the author Dan Anderson written?

Dan Anderson has written: 'Sex tips for straight women from a gay man' -- subject(s): Sexual behavior, Gay men, Sex instruction for women, Miscellanea, Men, OverDrive, Family & Relationships, Nonfiction

Why do most men like gay sex?

They don't. Less than 8% of men like gay sex.

What is the most common form of sex straight or lesbian or gay?

Most people are straight but then it is lesbian, then gay

Is it possible to be gay your entire life and find out your straight Just personal experiences.?

no it is not possible. you decide what your interests are in men if your gay or women if your straight (example for sex: male)however in some cases there are men who have overcome a phase in their lives where they are homosexual, it actually depends on the person.

Are gay men capable of reproduction?

Yes, they have the same anatomy as straight men. Yes, they are not infirtile just because they are gay. In fact lots of gay men are fathers. They can inseminate the woman during sex, which would be difficult for most, or have artificial insemination, which is the way most decide.

Are you gay if you want penises and fannys?

If you have fantasies about having sexual contact with other men you are not gay, if you also are sexually attracted to opposite sex (females). Many straight men could not even begin to think about having sex with other men. However, with the Internet, porno videos, porno dvd's, personal ads, swingers clubs, sex parties, more and more men are becoming bisexual everyday. More and more straight men are discovering that sex with another man isn't as bad as they thought it would be, and they have the best of both worlds (men and women). If you only want to have sexual contact with only men and no one else, then you are gay.

Does living with men only turn men gay?

No, most studies show that gayness is fixed, probably through our genes, in the womb. So men are gay or straight before they ever start living together. There is a theory of situational homosexuality, suggesting that men in prison, or boarding schools, where they have no opportunity for straight sex, will sometimes have gay sex as the next best thing, or the only other thing available. Whenever they leave that environment they go back to their preferred orientation.