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I personally think that 14 years old is too young. The reason being because at 14 kids just aren't mature enough. Sorry to burst your bubble if you had one but relationships at that age don't last very long. 99.9% of the time those people don't end up sharing the rest of their life together or living happily ever after. When I was 14 I had the hugest crush on this guy who wanted to go out with me. I knew it wasn't going to last because those things just don't at that age. So i told him "no" and that I just wanted to have a hell of a lot of friends instead. I was so disappointed when practically 2 weeks lately he started chasing some other girl. I was like "darn, I should have gone out with him when I had the chance." in the long run though, I was really happy, looking back I know that I would have just caused myself even more pain. And what's the point when you are 14, still young and there are so many other things you can do. All those silly emotional moments and years of emotional turmoil are soon to come anyways, it's just a better idea to wait until you and the other people around you are more mature. have lots of friends and hang out with them, guys and girls. there is no use in getting wrapped up in "dating" when it's not even worth it. It's not gonna last. Just think, if you think that you and this person you like would NOT be able to still be friends after you break up and stop having those "more than friend" feelings towards each other than the chances of having a worth while relationship are low. you need to be really really close friends. trust me, even with really close guy friends of mine, i found that they were not mature enough to handle being friends after "going out". What's the point then? All that does is ruin a perfectly wonderful friendship. Sometimes people, and especially at 14, find that all their friends have boyfriends and girlfriends, walk around the school holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling. When you're not in a relationship it can make you feel pretty left out, and then everyone starts thinking that you should hook up with that friend of your friend's boyfriend or something like that. Don't let it get to you! Again, if you are a strong person you would stay away from immature behavior. Besides, once you get to high school or the senior years, you will be lucky if you have any friends from your 13-14 years left that you are still close with. I only have one that I am still great friends with and all the others came into my life and left just as swiftly. Enjoy being a kid, because after all you still are one. I remember being 14 and thinking that being you know, 17-18 was so far away. MAN! it flew by and now that I'm here it makes me feel, "wow, you know, I thought the emotional problems were big then, just look at them now!" Your time will come, and trust me: it comes a lot faster than you'd think it does. UPDATE It depends on you really. There is no right or wrong answer to this question.

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Q: Is fourteen too young to date?
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May I suggest you don't ask her out. Now I know that sounds negative but the truth is you are too young and she is too young to date in any form or fashion. Want to hang out with her? Get her parent's permission to go to their house when they are home and hang out in their presence. Pre-teen and early teen people are too young to be "dating". There are a lot of years in your life to date. Enjoy being young. Don't grow up so quick. I know it is the "in thing" to do to "date", but please hold on until you are a little older and your friend is at least 16. You will be glad you did.

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none, Fourteen year old boys are a bit young to date. Dating is meant to get to know someone better that you are potentially going to marry someday. You are not physically, emotionally, or spiritually ready to get married when you are fourteen are you? no, therefore you do not need to be dating people.

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How old is too young to date?

0 to 14